About Pack 928
Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 928, based in Rockville, Maryland! We are glad you are here.
Our Pack meets on the third Monday of each month, from 6:30 until 8:00 pm, at Christ Episcopal Church at 109 S Washington Street. If your son or daughter is between first and fifth grade and considering Scouting, we invite you to come to one of our Pack meetings to see what it's all about.
Our Pack is large and vibrant, with over 40 boys and girls. We go camping as a Pack at least twice each year, in the fall and spring. These family campouts are a lot of fun and typically include Cub Scouts, parents, and siblings. We go on hikes, play outdoor games, cookout, tell stories and sing songs around the campfire, and sleep under the stars!
Each year we also hold good-natured races: the Raingutter Regatta (breath-powered model boats), and the Pinewood Derby (model cars run on tracks).
We believe in being good citizens. That means going above and beyond to provide service to the community. Each year, Pack 928 takes part in Scouting for Food, a region-wide food collection initiative, that last year resulted in over 5,000 pounds of food for area food pantries. Each spring we dress up in our grubbies and pitch in to clean the grounds of Rockville United Methodist Church, our sponsoring organization that kindly allows us to hold meetings in their facility.
We are always on the lookout for new ways to be of service. Please get in touch with the Pack Committee Chair or Cub Master (listed here on the contacts page) if you have ideas.
Family Pack
Pack 928 is a family Pack. That means that parents and siblings are welcome at all events. Parents help run the pack by volunteering a few hours of their time. We rely on active parental involvement to create a rewarding experience for all scouts.
When children join Cub Scouts, they are divided up into Dens according to grade. Each Den has a Den Leader, typically the parent of one of the boys or girls. Each Den usually meets once or twice per month, where the boys and girls work on achievements toward fulfilling the requirements of their rank.
Together, the Dens form a Pack. The Pack meets once per month, where scouts are recognized for their accomplishments. There is usually a fun and educational program at Pack meetings.
A number of Packs make up a District, and in turn a number of regional Districts combine to form a Council. Pack 928 is in the Potomac District of the National Capital Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America.